All the things I’ve forgotten:
As the exhibit draws nearer, all I seem to realize are the many things I’ve forgotten to do. Fore example, I should’ve stressed the HMP is only part of other commemorative events happening in West Michigan!
I haven’t given proper credit the other individuals who served for more than a year on the West Michigan Committee to commemorate this historical event so here is that history:
“As part of this global observance, members of the local academic and cultural communities have formed a committee to plan and implement a program of activities throughout the year of 2007 that is consistent with the importance of this anniversary. The program's goal for 2007 is to enlighten, inform and educate students and the West Michigan community about the horrors of the slave trade, its impact, and its residual effects on the lives of Africans and their descendants throughout the Diaspora. Program activities will address a wide range of issues such as the history and impact of the slave trade, slavery, racism, and modern human trafficking. The committee consists of faculty and students from Calvin College, Davenport University, Ferris State University, Grand Valley State University, the Grand Rapids Community College, the Grand Rapids Public Schools, and Hope College as well as staff from the Gerald R. Ford Museum, the Grand Rapids Public Libraries, and the Grand Rapids Community Media Center.”
---From the committee webpage
I need should’ve stressed the support from several GRCC departments in making this event come together.
Thanks so much it’s darn near un-express-able to
WAYNE NEWTON the former art gallery coordinator for listening and being excited with me when we were finally able to meet and discuss this project
RON STEIN the current art gallery coordinator, he connected me to fabulous Michael Forrest (photographer extraordinaire). Ron meet with me in the summer to work on details of this project and work with Michael to design our invitations and take photos of all the visual art pieces. He gave me pointers on things that I can’t remember right now.
MICHAEL FORREST listened to me when I explained I had no money to pay for photos of the pieces, but thankfully he listened to the scope of the project more. He decided to join and create a piece for a Haiku. He continued to give his talent and time to this project and I’m tearing up as I type at his generosity.
JENNIFER SMITH from our Diversity Center is helping HMP’s details for the reception. Without her patience, knowledge, and willing to take a zillion e-mails from me the planned reception would be quite ugly.
Well, that’s all for now, since it’s still the wee hours the morning, I’m going to try and get s bit more sleep.