Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Arron Ibn Pori Pitts' Artisic Statement:

my work comez from a luta continuua . . . the struggle continuez / in termz of being grounded in the experience of the afrikan diaspora / it’z an evolution and flowz az an improvisational polyrhythmic revolutionary black experience – a perspective that pealz away the racism / it haz become a procezz or mental memory song using the artz az a spirit that weavez and inter/intra – weavez
imagez and symbolz that can point to r improvised commuality of sharing and dialogue w/eachother / reaching out in celebration of the self and manifestation or remembrance of the creative corridor to the huewhamanistic harmony of being a member of the communal primal dance . . . it iz in essence a converging of the sacred and secular / r ability to open the door to the otherside – gain overstandin’and give back to the universe that which it haz given uz . . . being sanctified signaturez of incantationz beingz who bring forth a better life & society of beingz //ashe / asanta sana

raz baaba elder aaron ibn pori pitts
winter – 2007 / detroit, michigan

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